Friday, June 20, 2014

So Where Are We Now?

Well, we did it.  On Tuesday, June 17, 2014, we rolled out of 2902 Woodbury Road for the last time.  Thankfully Graham was driving because I was a teary mess.  I'm not sure when the tears started...when I realized I was alone in the house, mopping the empty floors one last time.  Maybe it was when Adelaide ran through the house, saying goodbye to every room, bathrooms included.  But it was definitely by the time Graham and I pulled the front door shut and locked it up.

As we drove away, I was feeling thankful for the life that we lived in that home.  We had a wonderful eight years in Shaker Heights.  As was so easy to see and feel the last few weeks, in large part that was because we were surrounded by wonderful friends.  We will carry those friendships with us to Juneau.

One of the many tasks we had on our plate toward the end of our time in Shaker was to sell one of our cars.  We posted it on craigslist and a buyer contacted us who was a recent graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Art.  We negotiated a price that included a little barter for this pencil sketch.

So where are we now?  We'll be spending the next few weeks with Graham's dad and stepmom in Chautauqua, New York.  It's a place we spend a lot of time in the summers, so it feels comfortable and relaxed.  Which is precisely what we need before we take the next big step and board the airplane bound for our new home.