Thursday, November 22, 2012


I'm thankful for...

Family, friends, toys, corn, my girls...and the feathers went on and on.  Note that it even includes one feather that Cora wrote (if only we knew what it said!)

We got our turkey this year through our CSA.  It was "harvested" on the Monday before Thanksgiving.  Doesn't get much more fresh than that.  Grandpa Russ enjoyed cleaning it out - it was a biology lesson with all the organs.  Yuck!  But after a little bacon, maple syrup, and sage, it was a beauty.

Grandma Carol and Grandpa Russ were here from Florida, Sean & Agnes, Grandma Sherry and Great-Grandma Thompson from Pennsylvania.

Normally, I have to remind Sean to behave.

I can't remember many other Thanksgivings in Cleveland when you could be outside dressed like this!
Don't ask what me they're doing.

And what has become a Shaker Thanksgiving tradition, a trip to the playground.  Usually with the adults have as much if not more fun than the adults.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Daddy & Girls Weekend

While Mom was away in Wooster coaching Notre Dame College's Moot Court team, Daddy and the girls hit the town for a fun-filled weekend.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Vader Daddy, Woman in a Binder, Princess Zombie & Rainbow/Princess/Skeleton Cora

Halloween 2012 - the year of the zombies and Frankenstorm.

It all started with carving our pumpkins.

What they think of the inside of the pumpkin.

Daddy even got to use power tools this year.

All done.  You can tell Hurricane Sandy was one its way from Addy's hair.
The three pumpkin snowman was built with the pumpkins from our garden - so cute!

School was cancelled on Tuesday because of the high winds and power outages that were already occurring around the city, so we spent the day doing some Halloween-inspiried crafts.  Here are the girls with their spider hats, waiting to surprise Daddy.

Well in advance of Halloween, the City postponed trick-or-treating until Sunday.  So when we otherwise would have been out haunting the neighborhood, Addy and Cora celebrated with a little Halloween tale.  Addy loves to read anything and everything she can get her hands on, and Cora sat so patiently and listened to her.  Then Cora picked up the book and "read" it back to Addy.  

Sunday came and preparations began for our costumes.  Daddy worked hard on Addy's makeup.  For weeks now, Addy has stuck with "I'm going to be a princess zombie."  The zombie thing is a shout out to Graham.  While Addy has no real idea what zombies are, and I'm happy for it to stay that way, she does know they're on the cover of some books Daddy has read recently; that they make scary faces; and they eat brains while saying "BRAIIINNNSSS."

The final product.

So, in true Cora fashion, "I princess zombie."  Sensing a theme?  Anything and everything Addy does, Cora must do.

Here's the beautiful princess, before any zombieness.  However, she then spilled water all over the front of herself, necessitating a costume change, which is how ended up with one very confused Cora (see the family picture below).

I was going to stick with my traditional witch costume, but then found these three silver rings and so was born the woman in a binder costume.  I could not pass up the opportunity to have a costume that I could accessorize with office supplies!  Notice the beautiful tabs I made for my binder!  Thank you for the inspiration, Mitt Romney ;)

I didn't end up with an individual picture of Graham's costume, and looking back, I think that's in part because it scared the wits out of poor Star and Cora.  When Graham was given an old gas mask from a family friend who was moving, the idea for his Darth Vader costume was born.  He even sounded like him.

So here's the family picture.   Complete with Cora in skeleton jammy pants, a princess tutu, rainbow fleece and polka dot hat.

We headed outside to trick-or-treat starting with our neighbor's house.  And for Cora and I, that's as far, if you can even count that house, that we made it.  The poor thing was just too tired (because of the day, Halloween also fell on the day of the time change, so her bedtime was quickly approaching) and confused about all these strange looking people.  She spent the next 20 minutes telling Graham Sherry all about the "scary people at the house."

Uncle Sean and Agnes joined for the festivities, too.  And because it was the night before his (& Uncle Chad's) birthday, we made him a little cake.


Happy Halloween!