Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cora's 1st Birthday

Our sweet and crazy Cora is 1.  I know every parent always comments how the first year goes by so fast, but my goodness - seriously, how can she be 1 already?  Where did the year go?  But at the same time, I think for all of us, Addy included, it's hard to remember what life was like before she was here.  We love her so very, very much.

A little help blowing out her birthday candles.

So the cake wasn't beautiful, but she seemed to like it.

Getting a little help with the icing from her big sister.

Cake!  Yum!

There she goes!

It's even in her eyelashes!

And for final thoughts, just some things I want to document of our little Cora before we move on to all the memories that year 2 is sure to bring:

* She has the craziest (and some say creepiest crawl).  She's been renamed "the crab" at the playground because of it.
* She loves to sit on the floor, on her bottom, and spin around like a clock.
* Her first words were "dog" and "ball."
* She does this gurgling thing that makes her sound like Chewbacca from Star Wars
* She & Addy love making each other laugh and scream in their car seats
* Hands down, she has the most remarkable hair in the Lanz family

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Coast Guard Day

This year we were able to attend the District's celebration of Coast Guard day, which was held at Whiskey Island.  Not sure what the highlight of the day was, but a USCG helicopter practically landing on top of us was definitely up there. 

 Addy was mystified by all the buttons.  And, of course, Hardhat Harry, Bob, and the kids were right there with her.  (Characters from this All About Boats and Helicopters video that was a gift from Aunt Carrie & Uncle Jay - little did anyone know, she would have a total crush on Hardhat Harry!)

 Hooray for the Coast Guard!

There was an amazing face painter at the picnic.  Addy, looking at all the sample pictures of animals and designs this lady has painted on faces and for reasons only Addy could explain, asked for a one-eyed shark.  The little "Nemo" fish on her nose was a welcome surprise.

So, naturally, the balloon artist made her a fishing rod complete with fish.

Whiskey Island is also adjacent to the old Coast Guard Station, a truly and beautiful site, which sadly has fallen into disrepair.  Maybe someday Cleveland will finally figure out what to do with its waterfront and incorporate this gem.