"World peace begins with ME!" is what we've been hearing for the last few weeks. Adelaide even taught Cora the tune and the corresponding hand motions. All in preparation for the Kindergarten Peace Concert.
All 3 Kindergarten classes performed for their families and all the "other graders" at the school. I can't even remember how many songs they sang but it was a lot; some we recognized, some we didn't. Each one capable of bringing a grown adult to tears...yes, Graham and I will admit it, we had some tears welling up in our eyes.
Here's Adelaide after just getting to her spot on stage. Chatting away with her good friend Jennifer. I point this out because as you watch the video of the concert, Jennifer is clearly destined to be a performer! Watch her expressions during "We are the World."
Flashing her peace sign
Pleased with her performance
So why are the kindergarteners singing about peace?
Inquirer, Knowledgeable, Thinker, Communicator, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-taker, Balanced, and Reflective
These are the ten attributes of an International Baccalaureate Learner, or as Adelaide knows it, being an IB student. Shaker Heights elementary schools are all IB schools, with teachers weaving thematic units centered around these values and characteristics into the regular curriculum. Even as a kindergarten, Adelaide has really taken to thinking about what it means to a be a risk-taker, or how to show you are caring. And this past thematic unit has been about how to build peace. They studied Nelson Mandela, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks, among others.