Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Class Picnic

It's so hard to believe that Addy's first year of preschool is coming to an end.  Today, the teachers organized a class picnic.  It allowed me to sneak a few shots of Addy with all her favorite people.  Here with her teachers, Ms. Cheryl and Ms. Ellen.

They have helped Addy find more confidence and grow in more ways than we could have imagined.

Happiness is sharing snacks with friends.

Listening to a story - Addy front and center!

And Cora was so excited to have snuck in with the big kids.

Both girls enjoying some swinging with Ms. Cheryl.

Hanging out with her friend Ty.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Butterfly, Oh Butterfly

We have this "family" of butterflies that have been frequenting our house every evening.  And the girls, well all of us really, just love it.

Sheer joy is the only description of Cora's reaction to seeing the butterflies.
(As you will see, Addy was the guest videographer, so my apologies for the bouncing screen!  Makes for a good laugh, though!)

I still can't believe how many times Addy was able to gently touch the wings of this particular butterfly.