Halloween Fun! Our festivities began with a visit from Grandpa Johnny & Zee Zee and some pumpkin carving, then a Halloween playdate, and rounded out with trick-or-treating. Lots of fun!
Graham was a good sport during the Halloween playdate and let the kids dress him up as a toilet paper mummy.
That's a pretty convincing Mummy face!
Pirate buddies (Oscar and Addy) chillin' on the couch after the party. Even the dog was worn out!
Pumpkin carving time! "Eeeewwww" is the caption that goes with this photo. Neither girl was a fan of touching the pumpkin guts.
Zee Zee and Grandpa Johnny hard at work.
And Star helped herself to a little pumpkin snack.
The completed masterpieces. Note, Cora's with the mums for hair - very fitting =) And Addy is proudly boasting the Halloween shirts we tye-dyed and then decorated with jack-o-lantern faces.
All dressed up. So at this point, I should probably explain Addy's costume. For the last two Halloweens, Addy has been a butterfly. And when asked what she wanted to be this year, the response I got was "Mom, I'm a butterfly." Despite our explanation that she didn't have to be the same thing - that she could pick anything she wanted to dress up as for Halloween, she was adamant that she was a butterfly. Why argue, right? So the Friday before Halloween Addy is going to Kindermusik and you're allowed to wear Halloween costumes. Well, Addy's butterfly wings are quite large and awkward and it's impossible to sit down while she's wearing them...understanding all of this, we pull a pirate costume our of her dress-up bin. After class, and really getting into the role of a pirate (not a hard stretch in this family!), she says to me, "Mom, I have something to tell you." Oh boy, I think. "Mom, I think I'm going to be a pirate butterfly...you know, a butterfly, but dressed up as a pirate. Because butterflies get to dress up, too." Hence, the butterfly pirate was born and resulted in many confused looks as we walked around the neighborhood trick-or-treating.
Grandma Carol, Grandpa Russ and Grandma Sherry came over to help us hand out candy (We need the help! This year, again, we had nearly 200 trick-or-treaters!) Any guesses on Grandma Sherry's costume? Addy got it, after being clued in to the apron...Amelia Bedelia, one of Addy's new favorite book series.
And I just love this one...Daddy and daughter pirates.